In times like these you need a Savior, in times like these you need an anchor; be very sure, be very sure your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock.
In times like these you need the Bible, in times like these, oh, be not idle. Be very sure, be very sure your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock.
In times like these I have a Savior. In times like these, I have an anchor. I'm very sure, I'm very sure, my anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock.
This Rock is Jesus. Yes, He's the One. This Rock is Jesus--the only One.

In times like these–we need Jesus more than ever. The frustrations and divisions are pulling us further from the truths of our values. The uncertainty of so many issues is causing anxiety and fear. We need a solid Rock to cling to and an Anchor to steady us in the tossing sea of life. There’s a song out now that reminds us though we may be in the storm, the storm is not in us. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He still speaks to the storms commanding them to be still. Today it is more important than ever to keep our eyes fixed on Him. The enemy is having a hay day in politics, in health scares, in addictions,  in abortion clinics, in Hollywood and in our communities. He does NOT win. The victory of the cross is ours to proclaim. The church is needed to drop anchor and grip the Solid Rock. Intercession is needed now as never before. In times like these we need to share the hope we have. The certainty of God’s love overcomes the darts of the enemy. In times like these so many are searching for a Savior. In times like these so many need an anchor. In times like these we need to point out the Solid Rock we’re gripping. Praying this day our anchor holds.

Categories: Inspirational