What then shall we say to those things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

We all have “those things.”  Things that trouble us, things we fear. Things that interrupt our plans. Things that destroy our hopes. “Those things” create anxiety, doubt and frustration don’t they? We often feel like David facing Goliath. Goliath was one of the biggest and strongest man anyone had ever seen. He stood powerful among his peers and enemies. Then there’s boy David who laid down his lyre, picked up some stones and faced this giant. Goliath was probably 3 or 4 times bigger and stronger than the shepherd boy. It didn’t faze David. David knew some secrets. Actually, he knew some truths. One God called him for this task.Two, David knew how big his God was. Three, God was with Him.and would not leave him.  Yes, Goliath was bigger and stronger than David, but he wasn’t bigger or stronger than David’s God. It didn’t matter to David that this “thing” stood before him. He knew victory was his, because God was for him. We need “David mentality” as we encounter “those things” in our daily lives. We need to have “David faith” knowing God is for us so it doesn’t matter who is against us. God has called us. God is bigger than any giant we face and He is with us always. Praying this day we have a “David” mentality as we face the Goliaths in our lives.

Categories: Inspirational