For I consider the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

These are difficult and trying times. So many are suffering and suffering terribly. Instead of hope, many are waiting for the “other shoe to drop.” We aren’t promised that storms won’t come. We are promised God is with us in the storms. In our trials we learn about ourselves. We learn what our strengths and weaknesses are. We learn who we can depend on to lift us up. We learn about our faith. It’s easy to get caught up in the current downpours. But God tells us to trust Him. He can bring good from the worst disaster. In the middle of today’s suffering look back at your previous trials. You survived them. You learned from them. Your Heavenly Father saw you through it.  When all is said and done we will be able to see His hand guiding us. His glory shall be revealed. Praying this day  we remind ourselves joy comes in the morning after every dark night.

Categories: Inspirational