But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

We do not have to meet set standards of perfection to become saved. We aren’t forgiven by our good deeds or merit. While yet sinners God reaches out to us. He has made a plan for our forgiveness in the depths of our sin. He knew we could not becomeĀ  righteous by our actions. Our promises of doing better are futile. It is His only Son that frees us from our chains of sin. It is His sacrifice of the greatest love that reconciles us into God’s family. It is the cross that signed our adoption papers. God’s love, Jesus’s obedience and Holy Spirit’s indwelling seals our salvation. We’re not assigned a list of tasks to complete. Our only requirement is that we believe this gift of grace and mercy is ours to accept. No one loves us like our Heavenly Father. In our darkest He has sent the Light. Praying this day we hold on to this love that surpasses all.

Categories: Inspirational