Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is---good, pleasing, and perfect will.

We have definitely seen how conforming to this world has derailed our nation, our communities and our families. The world does not offer hope or peace. Politicians and celebrities do not have the solutions. Governments throughout history have failed. If ever a time of renewal of our minds was needed it is now. Transformation not conformation is our answer. Transformation into Christ like attributes will draw us closer to God. His word tells us if we repent, turn around He will once again bless us and heal our lands. We are not to follow man but the Son of God. We cannot know His will if we do not know Him. He wants to bless, He wants to heal and He wants to transform us. He will, but it’s up to us. We have to want to be blessed, healed and transformed. We must renew our minds and hearts to overcome the worldly conformation.   Praying this day  for the renewal of our minds so that His will shall be known.

Categories: Inspirational