And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

The world is full of ideologies and philosophies.  Political correctness is not always aligned with God’s will or biblical. Each individual must prove to themselves what is acceptable to God.  It’s difficult to always know the will of God.  We can be assured His will is always good.  His will always aligns with His word.  His Holy Spirit will always cause discomfort, doubt or hesitation if it does not align with His will. In renewing our mind our ways can be replaced by God’s ways. Some of us are pretty set in our ways. Renewal of our minds may be radical. It’s possible.  Exchanging worldly views with the view of Christ is possible through prayer and delving in God’s Word.  There are the truths from beginning to end. The truths that will stand through all eternity. The truths that will set us free from all that binds us. The truths that can transform us into God’s holy plan for us. Praying this day we prepare to leave conformity and become radically transformed.

Categories: Inspirational


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