Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble and keep on praying.

Three simple directives for us. Be confident in hope. Be patient in trouble.  Keep on praying. The only one that seems easy is “keep on praying.” The other two might be a struggle. I think the key to accomplish the other two is to keep on praying. If we’re praying our hope increases. Our confidence builds up. Why? Because God answers prayers. We see the answers. He proves His faithfulness.  When we pray a peace is given in times of our struggles.  It may not be immediate. Remaining in prayer helps us have patience and the ability to wait on God’s perfect timing. God knows what we are  facing today.  He has a plan. During our prayer time with Him we learn His solutions. We learn about God in our prayer time. We learn about ourselves in our prayer time. We establish hope and patience in our prayer time. This just might be why Paul gave the advice of “keep on praying.”  Praying this day we keep on praying building up our hope, patience and confidence in the evident faithfulness of God.

Categories: Inspirational


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