Save me. O God! For the waters have come up to my neck.

David’s plea sure sounds like ours doesn’t it? We have days where we feel like we’re drowning.  We find ourselves in over our head. We struggle only to become weary. We need a life boat in our tossing waves of despair. David cried out. God heard him. God listens for our cries. He’s ready to pull us out of the storms of our lives. We just need to cry out. Our stubbornness keeps us from rescue. We think we’re stronger than the tides of trouble. Often times we’d rather sink trying to do things our way rather than reaching out for a life line. We go under then struggle to come up. All we need to do is cry out, “Save me, O God.”  He will pull us from the deep. Nothing is too hard for Him. Praying this day we have the courage to ask for His strength.

Categories: Inspirational