I waited quietly before God, for my victory comes from Him.

Sometimes it is difficult to wait on God. Often it’s harder to wait “quietly” before Him. Because we have a plan. We have ideas of how He should do things. We think we know what’s best for our situation.  More times than not if we had waited quietly we wouldn’t be in the situation. Waiting doesn’t come easy. We’re a society of instant gratification. We want fast food, fast cars, escalators, jets– instant, fast, speed. We want it now. We’re getting no where fast. God’s not in a hurry. A thousand years is like a day to Him. His word tells us He tarries because He doesn’t want any to be lost. He’s giving us time to come to Him. The sad truth is this is the one area where so many are not hurrying, not eager, not rushing. So many feel they don’t have enough time to accomplish all they want, but feel they have all the time in the world to come to God for His saving grace. So many of us need to sit quietly before Him waiting for the victory of redemption.  Praying this day we spend quiet time with our Lord and Savior.

Categories: Inspirational