And in the shadow of Your wings I will make my refuge, until these calamities have passed by.

Did you ever want to hide from the world? To step back and let trouble pass by? I think we all have. During this pandemic the entire world is wanting to hide from it. We want to feel safe. We want to be protected. Calamity isn’t a word we often use but it is fitting today. The hope we have is this will eventually pass. Things will improve. Yet, things will never be the same. Normal will be changed.  The one thing that remains steadfast is God’s refuge. He does not change. It is comforting to know we as believers never face a calamity alone. We are able to find shelter under His wings. He will gather us in as a mother hen with wandering chicks. He does provide the strength for us to take the next step forward. As we go through any trial we change. Our wills may be tested. Our faith may be challenged. But as long as we take refuge in God we will overcome and be drawn closer to Him. Praying this day we seek the shadow of God’s protecting wings.

Categories: Inspirational


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