The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way.

Our steps are planned by God. If we were totally obedient our paths would be much shorter. We would arrive at our destinations much sooner. Often, we choose to take detours. Sometimes it’s forced by others causing us to part from the  path. Yet, the path chosen for us remains. We need to find our way back to our God guided steps. God is delighted on our return to His chosen way. The detour need not be wasted.  There are lessons to be learned. There are people to become involved with and learn from.  There are people we are to leave behind quickly.  God reminds us He has a plan for us and He can turn what others mean for evil into good for our sakes. So His chosen path remains. His will for us is sealed. Our journey shall be set and He shall be delighted with our walk. Praying this day we do not become dismayed with the detours that interfere with our steps but quickly return to His goodness and direction.

Categories: Inspirational


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