Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

Several phrases surface quickly. The first, “all your heart,”  directs us for total, all in trust. Not in part, not with doubt or hesitation but with ALL.  The second phrase is difficult for most of us. “Lean not on our understanding.”  How many times do we feel we know best? The truth is we really know very little. God is already in every tomorrow. He knows every outcome, every solution and every detail. We have but a snippet of knowledge compared to the Creator of all. The last phrase that ties it altogether is “He shall direct every step IF we acknowledge Him in all our ways.”  He knows every path we’ve taken. He so desires to direct us so that our walk will be in His will. Many times we decide it’s our way or no way. How many times have we become lost because our decisions were made without Him? I know for me personally when I didn’t wait for Him to show me the way I circled the mountain of confusion and disillusionment.  Praying this day we trust, lean on Him and allow Him to direct our paths.

Categories: Inspirational