Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.

Sin separates us from God.  It’s that simple. Sin causes the greatest divide. All have sinned and have fallen short in righteousness. The cross closes this greatest gap. God does not want anyone to be lost. His plan was established for each man, woman and child. Forgiveness is offered through the blood of His Son. That sinless, pure blood covers the multitude of sins we have committed. The blemishes of our lives are washed white as snow. Repentance and acceptance is our choice. If we remain lost it’s because we choose not to be saved.  Decision opens or closes the door to our salvation.  Nothing we’ve done surprises Christ.  There’s no new sin that hasn’t been seen or forgiven for someone in the past. Jesus has seen it all. He has paid the price for it all. As He hung on the cross each man to His side had a decision to make. Each of us before Him today has a decision to make. Praying this day we are blessed because we have asked for our sins to be covered and our transgression to be forgiven through Christ, our Savior.

Categories: Inspirational


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