I am still confident of this; I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.

We are bombarded by troubling news. Homicides, robberies, Covid, political upheavals and injustice. If we look around, really look around, we can find goodness in this day. There are people helping others. There are folks feeding the hungry. There are thousands upon thousands fighting the battle of Covid. There are precious souls reaching out to bring comfort to the hurting. There are children still bringing a wild flower to a mother. There are still grandparents instilling values. There are still people recognizing the good in others. Yes, in the land of the living good still exists. Each of us has the opportunity to do good, provide a comforting word,  a random act of kindness and a prayer. The darkness can be overcome by the light bearers of the living. Praying this day we become the goodness for others.

Categories: Inspirational