May He grant you according to your heart's desire, and fulfill all your purpose.

This first part of the verse is a dream come true. The ultimate prayer for many—getting all our heart’s desire. Everything we want.  But then there’s that little conjunction word “and” added to the first part. “And” indicates both not one or the other. AND fulfill all your purpose. Our purpose in life may not need the things or situations we desire but be more in God’s purpose for our lives.  Some of the things we think we want or need may actually slow our purpose or interfere with the completion of God’s plan for us. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we knew for certain God’s plan for us? Or that His purpose for us would be clear.  Would we align our heart’s desire to His purpose?  We would hope it would be . We spend more of our time focusing on our desires than on our purpose . Human nature. We’re all guilty to some degree.  He can change our desires. We can find His purpose for us. When we do that little three letter word “and” won’t be such a struggle.  Praying this day we hear His voice revealing His purpose as He then fulfills our desires.

Categories: Inspirational


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