Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.

Sometimes we need to stop and think about what we say. Are the words and thoughts pleasing or acceptable to God? Are we ever expressing gratitude for what we have or are we just concentrating on how to acquire more? Are our prayers those of thanksgiving or merely filled with petition? Does praise ever reach the ears of the God who has saved us and provided His strength? Do we spend time speaking to Him as a friend or do we treat Him like a genie able to grant our wishes? What words are acceptable in His sight? Words of love, understanding,  forgiveness, encouragement, hope and blessing are a few.  Praise and honor are welcomed by our Redeemer. Praying this day we consider our words and heart meditations and make them acceptable for our Redeemer and God.

Categories: Inspirational


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