For you have armed me with strength for the battle; You have subdued under me those who rose up against me.

We all seem to be facing a battle.  We feel weak and helpless. We wonder how we can go on. We wonder if the fight is worth our efforts. We are tired. Simply and totally tired.  In these moments of our fatigue and doubt we need to remind ourselves the battle is not ours but the Lord’s.  It is His strength that secures victory. He will overcome the enemy for us. Our position in this war is to rely on our God. He will grant the strength needed to go on.  Our efforts are noted by our God. Our faithfulness is sustained in His Presence. No one said it would be easy but we are assured we do not fight alone.  Our battles are known to Him. He shall supply our needs. Praying this day we stand firmly knowing our enemy is subdued by the victorious hand of God.

Categories: Inspirational


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