Psalm 139:1

No one knows you like God. He knew you before you were formed in the womb. He knew His plans for you before creation. Nothing you do or have done has surprised Him. He loves you with an everlasting love. He created every cell in your body. He knows the number of hairs of your head. Your name is etched in the palm of His hand. He knows your pain and joy. He knows your dreams. He knows the good and the bad. He loves you with an everlasting love. Your strength and weaknesses are known to Him. Your gifts and talents are provided by Him. Your prayers are heard by Him. They are answered by Him. He knows you and has an everlasting love for you. He knew you needed a Savior and provided One for you. His cross nailed hands were pinned for you. He has an everlasting love for you. He searched for you and found you. He knows you. Praying this day you feel His everlasting love.

Categories: Inspirational


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