He made the storm be still and the waves of the sea were hushed.

This verse in the Old Testament reminds me of the account in the Gospel of Mark where a storm came on the disiples while on the Lake of Galilee.  The boat was being tossed. The waves were rising and slamming the boat. Despite Jesus being with them they were in a storm. Like then, Jesus doesn’t always prevent storms in our lives, but He is always with us in the midst of the storm.  We behave so like the disciples. Though we know Christ is with us we still fear, we still worry, we still become anxious and we still doubt. Our focus is on the storm and not on Jesus. Like the disciples we, too, can cry out to Jesus. Did you ever wonder why they waited so long to call for Jesus’ help? Do you ever wonder why we wait so long to call on God for His help? I imagine the answer is the same–we think we can handle the situation on our own. We put ourselves through needless worry and anxiety by not calling on God first. Praying this day we call on God  for the storms to cease and the waves to be hushed at the first sight of cloudy dark skies.

Categories: Inspirational


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