The Lord is compassionate and merciful, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.

Aren’t we glad God doesn’t have our short temperament?  What if God showed the mercy we show others? What if His level of compassion was the same as ours? What if He had the stipulations we have in expressing love? I think we would all be in a “heap of trouble.”  Thank goodness and thank God He is not like us. Me?  I can get pretty angry when someone pulls out in front of me. It’s relatively easy for me to get frustrated and unforgiving when others do something wrong to me or my family. I’m very glad God doesn’t behave the way I do.  We have a God of second and third chances. We have a God that loves us at our worst not only at our best. We have a God that cares and is concerned with the little and large experiences in our lives. We have a God that doesn’t give us what we deserve but from His heart of love and grace. Praying this day we try to become more like our Heavenly Father and less like ourselves.

Categories: Inspirational


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