Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him and bless His name.

We have much to be thankful for today.  Of course we have the material things–shelter, food, clothing, vehicles and the list goes on. We also have so much given to us by God–family, friends, health and that list goes on as well. But do we think about or thank God for our spiritual blessings? What about the opportunity to talk with Him anytime? What about His guidance He gives? What about the indwelling of His Holy Spirit? What about grace and mercy? These are not things we can see with our physical eye sight but are seen with our heart sight. These things often are neglected by believers and never experienced by nonbelievers. Both sad situations. God wants us to have it all spiritually and yet we barely skim the surface. Praying this day we thank Him and praise Him as we enter His presence for the spiritual gifts available.

Categories: Inspirational