The Lord possessed me at the beginning of His way, before His works of old. I have been established from everlasting, from the beginning, before there ever was an earth.

Can we really grasp or fathom this?  Before there was an earth God had us. He knew us. He knew our time of arrival before the first blade of grass sprouted on the earth.  How can we doubt He has a purpose for us.  We are here for a purpose. His plans for us have been and are everlasting.  Everlasting simply means forever. God has held us from the beginning. He never wants to let us go. But in giving us free will He does not hold us against our will. We choose who and what holds us. We choose if we remain in His way, His chosen path established of old.  We choose our everlasting home. We are His cherished and beloved possessions. Is He our most cherished?  Praying this day we remain His and in His purpose for us.

Categories: Inspirational


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