Be careful about what you think. Your thoughts run your life.

Have you ever noticed how our thoughts effect our mood? They can effect our health. We all know they can effect our sleep. Is it any wonder God’s word reminds us to be careful of what we think about? Worry is a disruptive thought process. It steals from the moment. The psalmist reminds us to focus our thoughts on God and His word. In doing so our paths will be established. It is much to our advantage to allow God’s Holy Spirit to guide and fill our thoughts and establish our paths.  All of the world has the thoughts of this pandemic virus on our minds. It’s one thing to get the latest guidelines but all together another to allow it to consume us. Our minds need diversion. Our minds need tranquil moments. Our minds need to sense the green pastures and still waters. Our minds need to think on those things above. Praying this day we think of our Savior’s love as we continue through this Holy Week.

Categories: Inspirational


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