What is desired in a man is kindness.

A little kindness goes a long way. It can mend fences of contempt. It can bring hope to one who has given up. It can remove bitterness. An act of kindness has the power to melt the hardest heart. It can comfort someone in sorrow. Kindness rarely costs anything but pride. Do you remember an act of kindness extended to you? Was it a gift? Maybe a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen. Maybe a simple touch or hug assured you someone cared. Kindness can be many things. The one thing it cannot be is selfish. Kindness touches the heart. It’s difficult to be kind and bitter at the same time. When was the last time you offered kindness to someone? Do you realize you probably made their day? You provided encouragement.  You made them feel worthy. Think back–it made you feel good too didn’t it? Kindness has a way of blessing the giver and receiver. Praying this day we are kind today simply because we can be.

Categories: Inspirational


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