But whoever listens to Me will dwell safely, and he will be secure without fear or evil.

Oh, to be a nation that would listen to the voice of God.  We are a nation entangled with fear. Situations of evil surround our lives. Spiritual war has been declared. Innocent lives taken without reason.  Our country once a nation under God has become one that mocks God. God is calling for the remnant of His people to listen, to intercede and to pursue Him with a hunger. His children are called to be warriors. Prayer should be our posture. Our ears should be tuned to His voice. Our hearts beating with His love. Returning to His presence removes fear. Hiding His word deep in our heart and mind provides strength and courage. He has overcome the world and its troubles. He sees our heartbreak. He feels our pain. His arms are open. His voice calls out. Do you hear Him? Praying this day we hear His voice.

Categories: Inspirational