The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself.
Have you noticed even when you do simple things for others things are done for you? When you help others you really help yourself. This proverb really isn’t referring to monetary gifts, though they might be included, but rather giving of one’s self. Thoughtfulness is a unique commodity. In today’s world it seems scarce at times. We hear more about the bad rather than the good. But there are hundreds of stories of people giving of themselves. Healthcare workers are tirelessly fighting a daily battle. Emergency responders give time and time again. Pastors often go unrecognized, yet are some of the most unselfish people. Teachers give daily in schools everywhere. The list goes on. They each give of themselves. God sees our gifts to others. When we bless others we are blessed. There are folks who give only because they expect something in return. And they may receive something back, but this isn’t true giving. God recognizes the unselfish giver moreso than the obligated giver. Christ like giving is from the heart with the only true expectation is to help another. Generosity prospers a person; stinginess always seems to impoverish. Praying this day we give without demands of return.