Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.

This attitude is one that is learned. It doesn’t come naturally to us. It has to be a choice to be content. We often grumble about our situations. We know the state of discontentment all too well. Our glass is half empty rather than half full.  Paul’s secret was knowing, believing and trusting that God was with Him in every situation. He believed without doubt with God for him what could man do? He had been proven over and over again God went before him, walked beside him and guarded his back. He knew God had a plan. So Paul was content in all things and situations. That is a believer’s trust and faith. The same God that walked with Paul is the God that walks and holds us. Praying this day we, too, can learn the lesson of contentment.

Categories: Inspirational