Yes, brother, let me have joy from you in the Lord; refresh my heart in the Lord.

Sharing with others God’s blessings is beneficial to both. Sharing with fellow believers lightens burdens, reaffirms faith and is a reminder of God’s purpose for our lives. God said it is not good for man to be alone. Others enrich our lives. Others stand in the gap as mediators, brothers and sisters in the battles we face.  Joy in the Lord is a viable truth. We all become weary and need a refreshing. You might be called to bring that joy to someone you meet today. Someone may be that one to bring you much needed joy in the Lord today. As children of God our sharing with each other is vital to our relationship with God and each other. We are called to be the light on a hill, bearers of the eternal light Christ has brought to us. Praying this day we allow our light of joy in the Lord refresh others.

Categories: Inspirational