Yea, brother, let me have joy from you in the Lord; refresh my heart in the Lord.

I think we all have that one person in our lives that can brighten our mood. That one individual that can help us make sense of situations we find ourselves in. That one person that make us laugh when we need to laugh. I think we each have someone who is our “go to” friend that we can confide in. It may be a family member, a mentor or an old friend. There is that one person you can call at any time when you need prayer. The one friend who won’t judge you but really listens hoping to help. We can all admit we feel grateful for that one who stands by us with love. My question today is, “are you that person for someone you know?” Are you refreshing those friends of yours that come to you? Do you have a listening ear? Can you bring joy to a hurting friend? Will you pray for your friend in a life storm? Can you hold judgment when your friend needs counsel instead of correction? We can do all these thing when we allow God’s Holy Spirit to direct us. Joy and refreshing are Christ like attributes.  Praying this day we thank those who refresh us with the joy of the Lord and be the joy of the Lord to those we meet.

Categories: Inspirational


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