Do not rejoice over me, my enemy: when I fall, I will arise. When I sit in darkness the Lord will be a light to me.

In our lives there are going to be people that want us to fail. In their minds our failures will allow them to succeed. The truth of the matter is we are going to fail at times. We’re not perfect. There’s a saying that tells us the only people that don’t fail are the ones who don’t try. But as believers we keep doing, we keep trying because that’s what our calling is. The difference between believers and non-believers is we know we aren’t undertaking anything alone. God will shine His light in our dark moments of uncertainty. He will make paths for our struggling walk. He will guide us through the maze. He will lift us up when we fall. His strength allows us to rise and overcome. Our enemies may scoff. Others may cheer, but we endure, rise and succeed on the promises of our Heavenly Father.  Praying this day we rise and shine in the light of Christ.

Categories: Inspirational