Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?

If worrying caused us to become taller some of us could see over mountain tops. Jesus is emphasizing in Matthew it doesn’t do any good to worry. Worry steals from us. It interrupts our focus. It robs our hope. It dissolves our dreams. Jesus reminds us that God takes care of the sparrow, clothes the fields with flowers and has numbered the hairs of our head. When we realize worrying is useless and prayer is power we can leave things with God. We can’t change anything by worrying except our health. We can change all things with prayer and faith.  Worry is a weapon the enemy loves to use. The desire to control our own circumstances goes back to the garden of Eden. The enemy convinced Adam and Eve they could become like God. They could control their destiny. Lack of control causes worry. When we leave things in God’s hands our lives are in control. His control. When He’s in control there is no need to worry. Praying this day we let God have control and we stop worrying.

Categories: Inspirational


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