Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

In science class we were taught every action has a reaction. Our actions either have a positive or negative reaction from others.  Often our selfish choices produce negative results. Jesus teaches in this verse if our actions are done to glorify God our actions will be a light to others. We choose why we do the things we do. We can shed light or darkness. There’s an old joke about it’s good to see every visitor in your home. It’s either good to see them coming or it’s good to see them leaving.  Do others see the light God brings through you?  The light of faith, joy, intercession, or the love of Christ? Or do you shadow your actions with detest, bitterness,  resentment,  anger or unforgiveness?  Do you consider the reasons for your actions?  Are they for glorifying God or yourself? Praying this day our light dispels the shadows of self glory.

Categories: Inspirational


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