But Jesus looked at them and said to them, "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

We don’t have a problem accepting our limitations. But  for whatever the reason, there are times we limit God’s abilities. We doubt He can do all things. We think He has limitations. We can’t comprehend His ability. Maybe it’s because we are too familiar with our own inabilities. Do we project our inabilities on Him? Shouldn’t we instead claim His word that He has given us power. His power. His word reminds us we can do all things through Jesus Christ. When we truly believe (and get it into our thick heads) nothing, absolutely nothing is impossible for God, our walk with Him will change. Our prayer life will change. Our relationships with others will change. God has the ability to change us into the new and improved. He has the ability to change our circumstances. All this is possible when we accept nothing is impossible for Him. Praying  this day we recognize, believe and accept His ability to do the impossible in our lives.

Categories: Inspirational