The virgin will conceive and give birth to a Son, and they will call Him Immanuel which means, 'God with us.'

God with us. He left the splendor of heaven to walk our paths. He wants to be with us. As a child He ran and played. He fell and skinned knees. As a man He was disappointed by friends, ridiculed and heartbroken over situations before Him. He was hungry and homeless. He had emotions. He became angry. He shed tears. He prayed for circumstances to change. He was faced with temptations. He knows where we’ve been. He’s been there. He came to be with us. He came to save us. He came to strengthen us. He came to loveĀ  us. He came for us. Immanuel, God with us. God for us. Praying this day we welcome Him walking with us.

Categories: Inspirational