"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

Jesus knows we carry burdens, worries and fears. He knows we want to be free from them. Free from the anxieties that surface as we continue to carry them. He wants us to release them, all of them, into His willing and capable hands. He offers refreshing rest. He meets us in our difficulties so desiring we  release our burdens to Him. We hang on to them for various reasons.  They become familiar to us. We think we’re the only ones who can fix the situation.  We think the issues we’re facing are too petty for God. God knows every excuse we have for not releasing. He knows every solution needed. He wants us to rest in His strength.  He wants our faith in Him to grow. Aren’t you tired? Weary to the bone? So desiring a restful night? God’s ready to take all and give you rest. The shade of His grace and mercy is ours for the asking. Praying this day we release the burdens weighing us down and find sweet rest in the arms of Jesus.

Categories: Inspirational