And He said to them, "Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest awhile." For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat.

Each of us needs to follow Jesus’ advice to get by ourselves and rest. There are times we, like the disciples, are coming and going that we don’t have time to stop and eat. We need down time. We need to rest. We need time just to be alone with God. Time to pray and wait for His tender voice to calm our souls. We’ve become so wrapped up in hurrying to the next task we miss the moment we’re in. We miss the sunsets. We don’t appreciate the sound of a child’s laugh. We don’t recognize the flower petals have opened. The rainbow goes unnoticed. The scent of rain not inhaled. The bird’s song is unheard. The playful puppy is ignored. The stranger’s smile isn’t returned. Our eyes are locked on screens. Twenty-first century idols consume us. Phones, computers, tablets and television screens have our attention.  We’re often rushing to the next screen. Isn’t it sad we’ve forgotten the screened porch with the rockers and porch swings? Praying this day we come aside by ourselves and rest.

Categories: Inspirational


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