For I am the Lord, I do not change. Therefore you are not consumed, O sons of Jacob.

Isn’t it wonderful that God does not change. He’s not like us. When we’re upset or angry our behavior may change. If someone hurts us we might just ignore them or stop associating with them.  We often treat others like they treat us and not in a good way. Our mood changes our actions and our reactions. God doesn’t respond like us. He does not change. No matter when disappoint Him He still loves us. He remains faithful even when we aren’t.  He doesn’t hold grudges. He doesn’t change. He is the same as He was yesterday and as He will be tomorrow.  If His actions changed based on our behavior and sins we wouldn’t have a chance at forgiveness, mercy or grace. We would be consumed by His anger. He desires to save us from not only the enemy, but often times from ourselves. Only God, our unchanging Heavenly Father, could love us unconditionally as He does. Praying this day we change for the One who does not change.

Categories: Inspirational