Jesus replied, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."

Plowing today is often done with tractors. Years ago it was a plow and if you were lucky a mule. For the rows to be straight one had to keep their eye straight ahead focused on a predetermined mark or object at the end of the row.  No looking back, no looking side to side. Straight ahead focused on the end of the row. Jesus used this illustration to simply remind us it’s hard for us to go forward when we’re looking back. We’ve all made mistakes in our past. Today we have an opportunity to go forward leaving them behind us. We all have regrets in our past. Today is a new day to pursue your dream. We’ve all sinned and failed God in our past. Today through Jesus we are given a clean slate. We can’t go forward looking back. There’s fresh manna for today. Today we can begin anew. We can have a fresh start. This is all possible through Christ’s grace and forgiveness.  Praying this day we focus on the goals before us determined not to look back on the “what ifs and whys.”

Categories: Inspirational


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