"And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not perceive the plank in your own eye?"

Jesus definitely is stepping on toes with this verse. It’s so easy for us to see faults in others and overlook our own. Many times the faults we find in others are the very same ones we possess. Jesus is calling us to correct our faults, solve our problems before we undertake the task of correcting others. Our judgment should be directed inward rather than outward. We need to dig deep and examine ourselves for the very things that bother us in others. Two things might happen–it may become easier to forgive others and we might be able to change the very thing in our own lives that is frustrating. Seems like a win, win situation. Praying this day we become more concerned about the board in our own eye and overlook the toothpick in the eyes of others.

Categories: Inspirational