But I say to you who hear, "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those that curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you."

Can that possibly be right? Surely it’s a misprint. But no, that’s what Jesus has told us to do. Doesn’t He realize our enemies are out to get us? He does. His enemies crucified Him and yet He loved them. He died for them.  Do good to those who hate us. Doesn’t He know how hard that is? Yes, He does. He did good for His haters. He healed a sliced ear. He forgave Peter’s denials–all of them.  Surely He doesn’t want us to bless those cursing us. Oh, but He does and He  did. He blessed those that yelled profanities at Him. He blessed those that mocked Him. He asked God to forgive them because they didn’t know what they had done.  After all this He wants us to pray for people who willfully use us. Doesn’t He realize they’re trying to get ahead by climbing over us? He does. People followed Him to use His power and abilities for selfish reasons.  They wanted healing. They wanted fish and bread to eat. They wanted Him to crush the Roman empire. He prayed for them. Jesus isn’t asking us to do anything He didn’t do Himself. I know what we think–He is God in the flesh.  We’re simple humans. Oh, but He gave us His Holy Spirit so that we could accomplish love, goodness, blessing and prayers for others. We have His power in us. Praying this day we love,  do good, bless and pray for our enemies, haters, users and the cursers in our lives.

Categories: Inspirational