For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.

Have you ever been lost? Maybe you missed a turn or an exit. It’s easy in this day and time to find your way back with GPS devices and cell phones.  But there was a time when one lost had to depend on the directions of others. You had to hope to get directions you could follow. You had to hope the landmarks they used would be recognizable.  Unfortunately, many times they weren’t. Then you had to hope to come up on someone else for a new set of directions. In this world many are lost and are searching for meaning in their lives. The good news is Jesus is searching for the lost. He’s wanting to save us from wrong directions and spiritual mishaps. His GPS stands for–God’s planned steps. He has the way mapped out. The directions are printed clearly in His Word. He’s even sent a Guide in the Person of the Holy Spirit. It’s our choice whether or not we want to be found. Praying this day those who are lost are found by the Seeker, our Savior.

Categories: Inspirational


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