A Light from on high will dawn upon us . . . to shine upon and give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to direct and guide our feet . . . into the way of peace.

Today is the winter solace. The longest, darkest night of the calendar year. Tonight the Bethlehem star will appear. It hasn’t been seen in over 800 years.  This has been a year like no other in our lives. Just maybe the star is a reminder of the need to search for  Christ like the shepherds. It may be a reminder to honor Him like the wise men. It may be a reminder we do not have to remain in the darkness of hopelessness. A star–before technologhy and GPS systems people looked to the heavens for guidance. Maybe, just maybe the message through the star tonight is no matter how long and dark things are we can look up to heaven for the Light. Praying  this  day  we welcome the Light of the world to shine in us and through us.

Categories: Inspirational