Blessed is the Lord God of Israel, for He has visited and redeemed His people.

God came to earth in a manger. Innocent at birth, innocent at death. He came to  redeem His people. Only His sacrifice would reconcile sinners to Him. In His all knowing, He came as we all do–born of mothers. He crawled,  took uneasy steps into life as we live it. He came to experience what we encounter. Hunger, disappointment, temptation and rejection. He laughed and He wept. He lost loved ones. He had friends that supported Him and friends who doubted Him. He has walked in our shoes. His purpose was to save us, reclaim us and join us into His Holy family, the family of the Living God. That tiny heartbeat in the Bethlehem manger was beating for you and me.  The gift of love offered to one and all. Praying this day we open the gift and share His love with others.

Categories: Inspirational