And He said to them. "Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses."

True life has absolutely nothing to do with possessions. Keeping up with the Jones’s will not secure our place in eternity.  Materialism does not guarantee true joy. Joy might be for the moment but it does not last. Once you drive that brand new car off the sales floor it’s considered used.  There’s rarely a u-haul following the hearse. What we will take with us are spiritual possessions we have established. Too many of us worry what others think about what we have or don’t have.  We seek the wrong kind of treasures trying to fulfill our lives. This covid pandemic has caused us to slow down and reevaluate our priorities. Isn’t it amazing how God continues to bring good out of difficult situations?  We have an opportunity to refocus our hearts and minds.  Our lives won’t be measured by the things we have accumulated, but rather on the moments of relationship exchanges. Were we kind?  Did we encourage others? Were we sympathetic?  Did we offer mercy?  Did we forgive?  Did we love without demand?  These possessions of the heart make life worth living. Praying this day we pursue the true treasures of life.

Categories: Inspirational


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