"Go your way, behold I send you out as lambs among wolves."

When Jesus sent out His followers He knew the world was filled with devouring evil. He prepared them to be ready. Trouble would await them. Disbelief would face them. Others would try to derail their mission. They would be tempted by worldly desires. Not much has changed has it? The wolves have multiplied and have grown more vicious. Worldly pleasures have been approved by so many. Yet, we are still lambs with a Shepherd to guide us. He is still watching out for the wolves. He still calls out us to safety. Do we recognize His voice? Jesus knows what we face. He knows how difficult it is. He knows we can’t do it on our own. The Shepherd gives His life for His sheep. Praying this day we hear the voice of the Shepherd among the surrounding wolves.

Categories: Inspirational


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