O Lord, You have pleaded the case for my soul; You have redeemed my life.

Were you ever in a situation you desperately needed someone to be on your side?  I’m sure all of us have felt backed into a corner at one time or another. God knows the enemy has waged battle for you. God knows sin is man’s downfall. Despite our sin He continues to love us. He continues to fight for our souls. He desires for everyone to enter heaven and spend eternity with Him. God also knew we could not  make it on our own.  We are in the battle of our lives.  We are backed into a spiritual corner and need rescuing.   We need Jesus to bear our sin. The weight of our eternity is on Christ’s shoulders. He has redeemed our lives. He was sent to gather us and declare us righteous before God. On our own we stand guilty. But because of Christ we stand forgiven. Grace and mercy are ours. His pleading has redeemed us. Praying this day we appreciate the battle fought for our redemption.

Categories: Inspirational


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