Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; "Great is Your faithfulness".

Each morning God’s mercies are new. Daily mercy, oh, how we need that. We fail God daily and daily He grants mercy and grace. He gives us opportunity after opportunity to return to Him. His compassion for us is unmatched. His love for us undeniable. Each new day He stands by ready to forgive and reclaim us. We would be consumed by His wrath if we stood on our own merits, but it is the merit and grace of Christ that our Father sees. It is the blood of Calvary that has cleansed us and made us worthy in God’s eyes. Mercy reached down fron the cross and draped over us. Grace burst open the tomb of condemnation and freed us. We are blessed each morning with the newness of God’s mercy. Praying this day we awake thankful for God’s sweet manna of mercy and grace.

Categories: Inspirational