Haven't I commanded you? Strength! Courage! Don't be timid. Don't be discouraged. God, your God is with you every step you take.

Aren’t there days we feel as if we are on a journey all alone? It seems as if no one understands what we are going through or what we are facing. We feel as if we’re fading and fading fast.
We want to be strong but can’t muster up an ounce of muscle. We want to be bold but courage escapes us.  We’re uncertain what lies ahead. These are the moments God wants us to know He is with us. We are not alone. These are the times He wants us to fall in His arms so He can lift us up. He understands every plight we face. Our every disappointment and fear is known to Him. He wants to carry us through these times of uncertainty. His word declares He will renew our strength. Holy boldness is ours. Praying this day we are filled with God’s strength.

Categories: Inspirational


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