I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work.

We’ve just returned to standard time. It gets dark earlier. Some people like this. I’m not one of them. I’m a morning person. I get more done earlier in the day. Energy levels seem more positive during the day. However, Jesus is talking about time running out to accomplish our working for the kingdom. Time is running out for us to share what He has done for us.  Time is running out for repentance. We are a generation who desires instant gratification but relishes procrastination when it comes to our involvement in kingdom tasks. We put off praying. We put off spending time with God in His word. We have a hundred excuses of why we just can’t make church Sunday morning. We waste “our daylight.” Nightfall is coming. We will run out of time. We won’t be able to work in the dark. Today there’s still light. SON light is shining.  Praying this day we make the most of the Light in our lives.

Categories: Inspirational


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