I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work.

Do you ever feel like there is not enough hours in the day to get things done what you need to get done?  I know I do. Time slips away from us. When we’re 10 we want to be 20. When we’re 30 we want to be 20. When we’re 60 we want to be 40. Seems like we always want to be at another time in our lives. We have hopes and dreams that we strive for all through our lives. Our biggest regret, as we get older, is we didn’t make the time to reach out for them. The day passed. The night came. We didn’t get it done. We always think we have tomorrow,  but tomorrow isn’t promised.  Has God put a dream in your heart? Has He given you a path to follow? Has He told you to share His Son with someone today? Is He calling you to accept His Son? Today we have the light for seeing it done. Praying this day we do not allow the night to fall on our calling.

Categories: Inspirational


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